Whether it’s your first time gardening or you’ve been at it a long time, this handy garden calendar will help you get started. Villages in Interior Alaska can request a free virtual or face to face workshop with Heidi Rader or another Tribes Extension Educator. Cooperative Extension offers a variety of workshops statewide.
Below is a basic gardening calendar for Interior gardeners. Here is another more detailed seed starting calculator and another resource on getting started gardening.
March 15
- Never grown a garden before? Go to the Cooperative Extension Publication Website for information on everything from seed starting to growing to harvesting your vegetables and flowers.
March 26
- Start your cucumbers and tomatoes intended for a greenhouse.

April 2
- Start your pansies, petunias, and peppers!
April 4
- Join a seed sharing event! If you live in a village in Interior Alaska, contact your Tribal Administrator or Behavioral Health Aide to confirm that they will be hosting a seed sharing event.